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Consumer Litigation Law Center can be a law practice made up of one of the better mortgage resolution teams in the nation. Our attorneys and legal staff have no less than Fifty years of combined experience with property and law by having an impeccable background. If you are burdened with a distressed mortgage, you probably are receiving bombarded with marketing solicitations from a range of companies, all offering one service as the treatment for your mortgage crisis. Getting commonly mortgage loan modification, bankruptcy, litigation, and foreclosure delay services.

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Unlike most of these companies, CLLC offers multiple solutions. We provide you with the personalized attention you deserve, rather than promoting a certain products or services.

Consumer Litigation Law Center offers personalized attention, focusing on understanding your requirements your goals, ahead of providing legal, financial, and housing guidance. As opposed to promoting specific products, our dedication to you is...

First: CLLC provides a free initial Client interview, evaluation, and consultation. On this interview we take you through a series of questions that focus on understanding your personal hardship, your level of motivation, available alternatives and solutions, and ability to execute various strategies. We gain a knowledge of your overall finances, debt and housing crisis, and discover what your goals are.

Second, our Attorneys and Real Estate Professionals are professional and experienced that will help you understand all of your options and provide multiple solutions, specifically tailored for your situation and private needs.

CLLC features a good track record record of successfully helping our clients using their specific situation. We wish you to benefit from our success.

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Our services include, however, not limited to:

Trustee Sale Delay

Lender Litigation

Loss Mitigation

Loan mod

Eviction Delay

Mortgage Securitization Audit
